Suggestions & Solutions

Roof Waterproofing – Insufficient slopes that collect stagnant water

Waterproofing suggestions and solutions from ISOMAT!

1. Any local restorations of the slopes are made with DUROCRET resin cement mortar. The application of ISOFLEX HYBRID requires a clean and dry substrate.

2. Initially the roof is universally primed with ISO-PRIMER.

3. After the primer dries, apply a layer of ISOFLEX HYBRID locally along the junction of the roof with vertical elements (guardrails, etc.) as well as along existing cracks, as well as at the junction of the roof with ventilation, chimneys, gutters, etc.

4. While this layer is still fresh, it is reinforced with a strip of polyester fabric or fiberglass 10 cm wide.

5. Then the roof is universally smeared with ISOFLEX HYBRID, using a brush or roller.

6. Another universal application with ISOFLEX HYBRID follows, crosswise with the previous one and if it has dried.