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“Save – Upgrade residences” by choosing the certified ISOMAT THERMOSYSTEM systems

Over the years, the need for thermal insulation of both new buildings and the energy upgrade of old buildings becomes more imperative.

With the reduction of available conventional fuels and the destruction of the environment by their combustion, there is now a need to implement new smart construction methods that save energy. One such option is ISOMAT’s certified Thermal Insulation Systems ‘’ISOMAT THERMOSYSTEM’’.

Both the European Union and the governments themselves encourage the energy upgrading of old buildings by subsidizing a significant part of the total cost. The “Save-Upgrade” Funding Program will offer a sponsorship rate of 45% with a maximum amount of €2,250 on eligible expenses and if combined with a photovoltaic installation then the amount increases to 55% with a maximum amount of €2,750. It’s an opportunity to save money and energy and at the same time reduce the operating expenses of your home. It also renovates the look of your home and increases its overall residential value. The applied products retain their thermal insulation properties over time, creating a permanent thermal insulation solution, while protecting the environment by reducing the emission of pollutants.

To participate in the project there are 3 options of integrated thermal façade systems with innovative and high quality products. The ISOMAT THERMOSYSTEM CLASSIC which is the economical choice, the ISOMAT THERMOSYSTEM PREMIUM which is the ideal proposal for facades with high requirements and the ISOMAT THERMOSYSTEM XPS which gives great mechanical strength and impact resistance.

All the above thermal insulation systems are certified according to ETAG 004, which is important to ensure the compatibility of all products that will be applied in masonry and have passed all the required laboratory tests defined by European standards.

These systems have easy and fast application, offering high energy efficiency and thermal comfort all year round. They are the ideal solution to take advantage of the benefits of the Programme and to upgrade your home.

“Save – Upgrade residences” by choosing the certified ISOMAT THERMOSYSTEM systems.